Thursday, February 16, 2012

TorHans Aero 30 review

So I finally got the TorHans Aero 30 in the other day, while I was at work of course, and slapped it on my bike last night. I tried to do it while the boys were distracted with playing, but once the bike made it inside and I started working, they were all over me and the bike. Needless to say, the install to a little longer than it should of because of the kids, but it's all good. Even with their distractions, it took all of 25 min maybe. Half of that time was on the bike trying different positions to see what I might like the best. So here's some pics of before, during and after. Enjoy!

So here's what I bought. The aero tray to hold my computer, the aero30 bottle and then the aero mounting bracket (from left to right)

My bike before.

Top view of the cockpit with the computer.

Working on the bike, taken by the oldest, he's actually pretty good with a camera (thank God for digital film)

In process. I used masking tape as marker points on where the mount would go before placing the sticky pads on the bar. A couple of slight adjustments and we were set.

The finished product (don't mind the messy counter top in the back ground).

Top view of the new set up.

Ready for my trial trainer ride with the new set up. Still a few tweaks in placement to workout, but otherwise this is a super sweet set up and I'm stoked to have it up front.

This last pic I took while at work today. It shows something that is half way typical for the station this time of year, bikes littered everywhere. We only had 2 trainers today, so I had to wait my turn.

All in all, I am very happy with the new hydration system from Torhans. I opted to go with the slightly larger 30oz bottle just because I am paranoid about running out of fluid before I get to an aid station during the event. I did do a shake test and refil test last night, and have to say that there was very little, if any issues on either of those test. Water did come out on the shake test, but I was violently shaking the bottle to the point where I wouldn't be riding if it was that bumpy. The refill test went off without a hitch. I first tried my camelbak bottle that has the jet valve, and can just dump the water through that valve. Refill went off without a hitch. The seond test was with a standard cheap-o water bottle that I got with my bike. There was a little over spill on the first test, but then I could never get it replicated on the 3 or 4 other tries. I'm going to call that good enough for me on the refill factor. Now if only the weather would cooperate, I'll be able to get some road time and see how the system works in the real world, but I'm very doubtfull that I will have any issues.

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