My race history is pretty limited; but if you follow along, you'll see more and more events go from the upcoming to the history. In there place, more events will be added to the upcoming.
2009Finisher, Race to Robie creek. Billed as the toughest half marathon in the North West with a starting elevation of 2725', summit elevation 8.5 miles later of 4797' (+2072') and a finishing elevation of 3065' (-1732', but still 340' higher than when you started). This was my first half marathon, and finished in 2:03. I was hoping for a sub 2 hour, but got some wicked cramps on the down hill and it slowed me down.
Dirty Dash 10k run.
Race to Robie creek again. This time with a 40# weight vest to raise money for charity. This was not for time, but rather completion. 3:06 The picture on top is at the finish line with my son, Monkey.
2nd place, team; Hidden Springs Duathlon (I did the run portions)
Scott Firefighter Stairclimb Challenge, Columbia Tower, Seattle Wa. Click HERE to read the recap of the event.
Boise 70.3 Ironman; my first ever triathlon! Click HERE for a race recap
Burley Spudman Olympic Triathlon; Burley Idaho. CLICK ME!!!
Emmett's Most Excellent Triathlon; Olympic distance, Emmett Idaho. Emmett recap
Scott Firefighter Stairclimb Challenge, Columbia Tower, Seattle Wa. Seattle 2013 recap
Race to Robie Creek 1/2 marathon, Boise Idaho Robie 2013 Recap
Upcoming Events
June 2013- Quest for the Capital Triathlon, Boise Idaho
Aug 2013- Emmett Idaho